Friday, March 20, 2009

Blue Handspun Scarf- wrap thing

So a little while back I got a rigid heddle loom. I thought it would be a fun thing, and maybe a good way to something with the handspun I tend to accumulate in 4 oz skeins.  The first project was so unspeakably ugly I won't show it, but here is number two.  The warp is a millspun turquoise rayon, alternating with a thin cotton- and that cotton is one thread teal one purple.  I spun the weft from a Lyocell roving from Carolina Homespun, in their 'Spirits of the Water' colorway.  It came out quite pretty I think. And it was fun besides.


Peg in South Carolina said...

It's lovely. But I think you might be even happier if you used your handspun for warp as well. The feel of fabric woven entirely of handspun is like no fabric woven, even partly, of machine spun yarn.

marie said...

maybe, but then I would have run out of yarn :)