Friday, March 20, 2009

Blue Handspun Scarf- wrap thing

So a little while back I got a rigid heddle loom. I thought it would be a fun thing, and maybe a good way to something with the handspun I tend to accumulate in 4 oz skeins.  The first project was so unspeakably ugly I won't show it, but here is number two.  The warp is a millspun turquoise rayon, alternating with a thin cotton- and that cotton is one thread teal one purple.  I spun the weft from a Lyocell roving from Carolina Homespun, in their 'Spirits of the Water' colorway.  It came out quite pretty I think. And it was fun besides.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

La Luz is finished

 I just finished the blanket. Yay!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The long and winding web!

It's off the loom.. all 6 and a half yards of it. Ready to be fulled. This will be the outside of the blanket. Next I 'll warp up the yellow for the inside.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Almost there

One last picture of the web on the loom. I'm almost done.

Yarn porn

Don't you just love LOOKING at yarn :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Poor little loom. I'm not sure it's built to take this much fabric, but it's holding up OK.  And I had to zip tie the reed to the beater, since I don' t have a reed this size for this loom. 

Friday, January 30, 2009

He didn't try to sell me insurance, though

Got up the other morning to find this guy on my little loom.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Turning Limestone into Wool

Off and running, here are some progress pictures. I like how the handspun is behaving, it gets thicker and thinner and makes for a more interesting texture... and wondering if I'll weave past certain places before it breaks keeps my mind occupied! It's sooo different weaving in the wool from the linen, kind of fun getting to know a different fiber.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sample, fulled

The sample, fulled. I like how it came out and now I'm ready to tie back on an weave all 6-1/2 yards of this. The yarn is mostly 'Tuna' from Borgs, but with a bit of stash yarn and some handspun thrown in.  Sett is 12 epi.

Friday, January 9, 2009


I've put the big trapeze from the Glimakra on this tiny old LeClerc, it's a bit ridiculous looking, not to mention tippy, but it worked. The warp went on beautifully. 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Warp Chains

I'm going to make this blanket in panels, so I can fit it on the little loom (that I've had for over 30 years) since the big one still has the linen.  The outside panels will be the 'limestone' and the center the 'light'.  It's interesting, after spending most of my life working with limestone to be trying to interpret it in wool. It's like the two big creative forces in my life converging.